Wednesday, April 13, 2005

No More Store Squabbles

I've only had a couple of great parenting revelations, but here is one of them.

I hate children who whine for items in the store. I've seen children cry, plead, throw tantrums, much to everyone's dismay. None of my children have ever done this due to one simple rule:

If you ask for it, I won't buy it.
Notice the period at the end of the rule. It is critical that nothing else is added. You have to be firm and unbending on this rule. If they ask for milk and it is on your list--you cannot for any reason buy it.
The result of firm adherance to this rule is that your children will not ask for anything in a store. If you have more than one child, there will be sibling pressure to keep them from asking. If they start, all you have to say is "You're asking, so I can't buy it." Always let them know if you had been planning a special treat and they blew it by asking.
For all of our peace when shopping, please use this rule with your own children.
Also, don't take small children to the store after 9 pm, late in the afternoon or anytime when you or the child is tired. You're just asking for trouble.
Go enjoy some peaceful shopping!

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