Thursday, July 14, 2005

Moving On

Tips from a marathon mover

If there's one thing that a military wife (which I am) knows, it's how to move. In 22 years of marriage my hat has been hung under 18 roofs. Invariably, each time we move I find there are some things you absolutely must have to keep the household running.

Before your next move, set aside these items (along with clothing and needed pillows, bedding & towels). Invariably, the movers will box and take away items you need to survive. Items for your in-transit moving kit include:

Manual can opener
Pot holder
Cookie sheet
Paper towel
Trash bags
Cleaners (glass, bathroom, etc.)
Laundry Detergent
Mop and Broom
Coffee (tie coffee into the pantyhose and place in fridge/freezer--it keeps it from smelling bad)
Old knee-hi pantyhose
Dish soap/Dishwasher soap
1 Phone
Paper plates, plastic silverware
Toilet Paper
Plunger (Yes, our movers clogged and overflowed a toilet during one move and guess what had been packed already!)
If you have other ideas of what should be included, please post them for us.
Happy Moving!

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