Thursday, June 05, 2014

Don't Cry Over Broken Cookies

Do you dread taking cookies off the cookie sheet because you know you will fight to keep them from breaking? There is a simple solution to this problem -- Patience.

To make taking cookies off the cookie sheet trouble-free, just wait 2 minutes after removing them from the oven before taking them off the cookie sheet. This allows the cookies to "set" sufficiently to be removed in one piece. I set a timer for two minutes, so I don't forgt them. The two minute rule is good because if you leave the cookies on the sheet too long, they will stick and you will have trouble getting them off the baking sheet.

Other cookie tips:

1. Use an "air-bake" pan. You will have to increase the
cooking time about 2 minutes, but you will never have burned cookie bottoms trying to get the tops browned.

2. Use a cookie scoop for even, round cookies.

3. Crisper cookies - use butter for shortening. Softer cookies use Crisco or a mix of butter and shortening. Increase flour for softer cookies.

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