Friday, March 25, 2005

Easter Egg Hunt

If you have more than one child, you know that comparisons and the words "That's not fair" are constants. When we do Easter Egg hunts, one child always complains that the other got more eggs than he or she did.

Here are some ways to end the bickering that turns a fun event sour: (requires plastic hinged eggs):
  1. For small children, let them keep only certain pre-agreed upon colors (have the same number of each color).
  2. Reading age children can only keep the eggs with their names written on them
  3. Older children must find a message written one letter at a time on eggs. You can keep the focus on the season by using religious messages such as "Jesus is alive" or "Jesus rose again from the dead." The word "Resurrection" is great as it is an even dozen letters.
Sibling rivalry is a natural part of growing up, but if you can do something to keep the peace during your holiday festivities, why not do it?
Hope you have a happy, peaceful Easter!!

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