Chicken or Egg?
Both chicken and egg came simultaneously this Easter. I saw these online and thought I'd take a stab at creating chickens from our deviled eggs.
They are a bit time consuming. First you cut the zigzag top off the egg and take a small chunk off the bottom to flatten the base, so the chicks can "sit" upright. Trying to get the yolk out without damaging the white is a skill I did not quite master.
From there you simply make deviled eggs.
Deviled egg recipe:
Egg yolks (dozen)
1/2 c. Real Mayonnaise (1/2 cup)
White vinegar (about 1 tbs. to taste)
1/4 tsp salt
dash of pepper
Beat with a mixer until smooth. Put mixture in a plastic zipper bag and cut off one corner. Use bag to pipe the filling into the eggs.
Use whole peppercorns for the eyes and a small piece of carrot for the beaks.
Tip: My Dash Go Egg Cooker made perfect eggs that were easy to peel. I highly recommend using an egg cooker to hard cook your Easter eggs.